Business Continuity Planning for Business Owners

Preparing for the Worst:
Business Continuity Planning
for Business Owners

Contemplating one’s own demise can be challenging but is paramount to sole owners and their businesses. Consider the fictional Harry Withers, the 54-year-old owner of Withering Hikes, a chain of seven retail apparel stores for outdoor enthusiasts on the Western Slope of Sierra Nevada Mountains. Harry was scouting new hiking trails and disappeared.

After several months of fruitless searching, Harry’s family opened probate proceedings only to find that Harry’s once-thriving business also had disappeared. However, Withering Hikes’s disappearance was far more typical than Harry’s. Because Harry had dreamed of selling his company at 60, he had given little thought to what would happen to his business if something happened to him. Thus, Withering Hikes died of all-too-common causes—human error and neglect—setting off a chain reaction of ever-worsening consequences for Harry’s family and business:

1. Harry’s key employees left the company for jobs with more certain futures. They feared that neither Withering Hikes nor their salaries would continue without Harry at the helm.

2. The departure of key employees meant that there was no one to manage the business. Total chaos reigned, and revenue took an immediate and irreversible nosedive. Longtime customers grew uneasy with what they perceived to be a rudderless ship and took their business to Harry’s competitors. Further, the company’s vendors demanded cash payments, cash that the company no longer generated.

3. Harry’s bank saw the drop in revenues and decided to call in the company’s debt, debt Harry had personally guaranteed.

4. Because Harry left no instructions or recommendations about who could run the business, who could offer advice, or even what to do with the business should something happen to him, both his business and family suffered.

Withering Hikes didn’t just wither away; it fell off a cliff. It could not survive without its top employees or Harry’s leadership.
The point of reviewing this list of mortal blows is to demonstrate that business-continuity planning is vitally important to owners’ companies and families. Without a well-considered business survival plan, the consequences for owners’ employees, customers, and, most importantly, family and estate are dire (estates rarely escape the notice of business creditors).

Fortunately, there is a process that sole owners can quickly and easily use to help avoid the type of business collapse that Withering Hikes experienced.

First, sole owners must motivate top employees to stay on after their demises by creating financially meaningful incentive compensation plans for them that vest over time. Creating a plan that provides these employees a substantial bonus (called a stay bonus) for remaining with the company beyond an owner’s demise is a strong strategy. The company can usually fund the stay bonus with life insurance on the owner’s life. This funded stay bonus provides designated employees with a cash bonus (usually about 50% of annual compensation) and a salary guarantee if those employees stay (typically 12-18 months) after the owner’s death. The sole owner’s job is to communicate these actions to these employees and assure them that he or she has made additional plans to ensure the continuation of the business.

Second, sole owners should alert their banks about their continuity plans. Meeting with a banker to discuss the arrangements made and showing him or her that the necessary insurance funding to implement these plans is in place can allow an ownership transfer to proceed smoothly. Additionally, it is wise to determine whether major creditors are comfortable with the succession plan. Sole owners should ask major creditors which arrangements they would like to see in place.

Third, create a written plan that does the following:

1. Names the person(s) who will take on the responsibility of running the business.
2. States whether the business should be continued, liquidated, or sold (if so, to whom).
3. Names the resources heirs should consult regarding the company’s sale, continuation, or liquidation.

Creating a contingency plan for your company should you depart unexpectedly is a vital part of your overall Exit Planning Process. Failing to do so invites the kind of disaster that befell Withering Hikes, Harry’s employees, and his family.

My expertise in crafting business-continuity plans that work can help you be prepared for the unexpected. Contact me today to learn more about how to begin creating a contingency plan and the options available for your business.

Business Books I’ve Recently Read

Read Any Good Books?

We have a book club here in the office at Roeser Accountancy Corporation.  We meet regularly to discuss and review great business books.  On occasion, we invite clients to join us.  Over the past year, I’ve personally read some really great business books.  My goal and expectation in reading these books is that I find a few good nuggets I can use in my business and personal life.  As Steven Covey, author of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People illustrates in his book, we should constantly be sharpening the saw.  If not, we become dull and ineffective.  I’ve found reading books by today’s thought leaders to be an effective way of staying current and on the leading edge of business.  It’s a great way to get under-the-hood of successful business leaders – and the ROI is worth the time.

Many people wonder how I find the time to read.  Well, some I read and some I listen to using earplugs while walking my Labrador dog Duke.  He doesn’t seem to mind.

I found the following books insightful and fresh with new ideas on how to manage and lead in my business activities and personal life :

Purple Cow – by Seth Godin.  A must read for any business looking to differentiate and stand out from the crowd.  If you’re a brown cow, you won’t get noticed, but a purple cow stands out if it delivers remarkable service.  This book has reached cult status and its message frequently discussed in many business meetings I’ve attended.

The One Thing – by Gary McKoewn.  How to focus on what matters most in a world with many distractions.  The result is a more rewarding life and greater business success.  This book exceeded my expectations and would be good to read every year as a reminder to stay focused and not scattered.

Essentialism – by Greg Keller.  The disciplined pursuit of less to get more!  One of the best books I’ve read in years.

Tribes – by Seth Godin.  “We want You to lead us!”  A great book from which I draw from every day.  I actually give copies of this book out to new business entrepreneurs or those clients looking to up their leadership game.  What’s your tribe look like?

Disrupt You – by Jay Samit.  One of the most engaging books I’ve read in years.  The author speaks from personal success and addresses the need to constantly innovate and think differently in order to succeed in business.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up – by Marie Kondo.  My wife gave me this book to read after she finished it.  I can take a hint.  An unconventional book on organizing and cleaning up.  A compelling book on decluttering your life and a new system for achieving it.  This book has been widely read and well-received by anyone looking to stay ahead of clutter and bring some Feng Shui to their environments.

I’m always looking for new book titles.  I’d love to hear from you on a favorite business book you’ve read.  Email me at or comment on our firm’s Facebook Page, where you’ll find other blog articles.

Bill Roeser, CPA, CVA, CFP, CGMA